Our Ministries

We believe serving is an overflow of receiving His abundance of grace and knowing how much He loves us! We also consider it a privilege to serve using the talents He has given us, knowing that our labor of love is not in vain.


In 2017 our Church was established with the passion to preach the unadulterated Gospel of Grace. We believe the law is good but the unconditional love and forgiveness of God causes people to repent. We believe in the finished work of Christ; all our sins are forgiven and we are completely accepted in the beloved Son Jesus Christ. We believe we are Righteous by Faith in the finished work of Christ on the Cross and not by our works.


RHEMA BIBLE TRAINING COLLEGE COIMBATORE (RBTCC) – affiliated to RHEMA USA was established in 2015 as the first campus in Tamil Nadu, India. Our vision and mission are to train laymen and ministers alike to walk in the spirit of faith, boldness, and victory, in intimate communion with the Holy Spirit, and to know their authority as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. For those who sense the call to teach or preach the Gospel.

Right Believing Seminar

We conduct Quarterly Seminars for Pastors, Leaders who are hunger to go deeper with God. These seminars are conducted Online and Physically. We equip Pastors and Leaders to be strongly rooted in the Gospel of Grace and the New Covenant message of love.

Believers Music Academy

This Ministry was established with the heart to raise the True Worshippers whom the Father is seeking as per John 4: 23 “ But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him”. We teach Keyboard, Guitar, & Vocals for all age groups. We conduct Worship Workshops periodically.


Youth For Truth

Here we help or create an opportunity to the Young Adults to discover that they are unique and peculiar possession to God. We help them focus on God’s Unconditional Love and Acceptance. We believe Grace will empower them to live victoriously and say NO to sin boldly. We do pre-marital and Relationship Counselling. We help the youth to come out of the addictions by showing them who they are in Christ.

Women In God’s Service

This ministry was started with the Compassion for Women especially Housewives and Widows, to make them strongly rooted in the love of God and the word of God and empower them to become Leaders in the Society.We believe a prudent woman builds her house, so we teach to the women: Hygiene, Self Defense, Skills Development, Income Generation Methods and wisely handling their responsibility in their family. Strong Families will build Strong Churches and Strong Nation.